[MLB-WIRELESS] D-Link Repeater mode...

Michael_Florence at dlink.com.au Michael_Florence at dlink.com.au
Fri Feb 7 21:06:54 EST 2003

One of our technicians / support team has done some testing on our products
regarding repeater mode. Thought you might be interested.

-Michael Florence
---------------------- Forwarded by Michael Florence/Sales/DLINK-AUST on
07/02/2003 07:14 PM ---------------------------

Neil Stent
07/02/2003 07:09 PM

To:   Sales Group at DLINK-AUST

Subject:  PLEASE READ... Sales info Testing on DWL - 1000AP+, 900AP+, 520+, 120,
      and DI-614+

Hi Team.

I have had a test of the above products.
This test was to find out if the repeater mode on the DWL-1000AP+ and 900AP+
worked with other products.

Please note: These are only a few of the access points that where tested.

These tests where done from PC (client) to Repeater then to the Access point.
The AP had the MAC laptop connected to it, this way we could make sure that the
AP passed the traffic.

I used the DWL-120 for the testing for a 11Mbps Client and the DWL-520+ for the
22Mbps Client.

First Tests
Modes used in test:
Client         -    Repeater   -   AP

DWL-520+       DWL-1000AP+         DI-614+         OK
DWL-120        DWL-1000AP+         DI-614+         OK

DWL-520+       DWL-900AP+          DI-614+         NO (I tested these two
several time without any luck)
DWL-120        DWL-900AP+          DI-614+         NO

DWL-520+       DWL-1000AP+         DWL-1500   OK
DWL-120        DWL-1000AP+         DWL-1500   OK

DWL-520+       DWL-900AP+          DWL-1500   OK
DWL-120        DWL-900AP+          DWL-1500   NO

DWL-520+       DWL-900AP+          DWL-1000AP+     OK
DWL-120        DWL-900AP+          DWL-1000AP+     OK

DWL-520+       DWL-1000AP+         DWL-900AP+      OK
DWL-120        DWL-1000AP+         DWL-900AP+      NO

The best way to tell if repeater mode is working is to have everything all
connected and powered up.
Next Ping the Access point, when you ping the AP this should be going through
the repeater.

If you power down the repeater, your wireless connection will drop out, then it
should by itself reconnect.
I found that if you have the AP some distance away from the client it will not
reconnect, if you then move the AP closer it will connect.
The above would verify that the Repeater mode is working.

Second Test
Modes used in test:
Client         -    AP
P2P       -    P2P (P2P - Point to Point)
P2P       -    P2 Multi (P2 Multi - Point to Multi Point)
P2 Multi  -    P2 Multi

DWL-1000AP+         DWL-1000AP+ (All modes OK)

DWL-900AP+          DWL-1000AP+ (All modes OK)

DWL-1000AP+         DWL-1500AP (P2P - P2P and P2 Multi - P2 Multi NO GO, all
other modes OK)


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