[MLB-WIRELESS] Routing within Melbwireless

Simon J Mudd sjmudd at pobox.com
Thu Feb 6 20:43:11 EST 2003

sjmudd at pobox.com (Simon J Mudd) writes:

> andrewg at d2.net.au (Andrew Griffiths) writes:
> > Heh, I am doing some stuff for it, just need to write the zebra
> > config, sheesh. I'll prolly get around to uploading it somewhere for
> > comments something :/
> Rather simple but should get you going. look at
>         http://WL0.org/~sjmudd/wireless/config

Just to followup my own post, I've finished translating a document
which MadridWireless have published explaining how to setup a node.
This may be interesting for your guys too.  It explains how to setup
the wireless network, the tunnels to other nodes and also how to setup
OSPF once all this is done so that you can actually form a real

The translated document is at

With the original (Spanish) document being at

While there are some specific comments about the network address and
the use of NodeManager to get the IP address allocations for the node
and the individual links the rest of the text is general enough to be
valid for any community wireless project.

Simon J Mudd, Postfix RPM Packager, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
email: sjmudd at pobox.com, Tel: +31-627-592 627

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