[MLB-WIRELESS] Wanted: Baluns

John Dalton john.dalton at bigfoot.com
Fri Aug 29 11:43:38 EST 2003

I'm trying to obtain approximately 100 baluns
(balanced-unbalanced transformers) as used
on most WLAN cards.  The specs of the exact
part I want are as follows, but any compatible
part will do.

Manufacturer: Murata
Description: Chip balun (hybrid), (2400+/-100)MHz, 100ohm:50ohm
Part number: LDB212G4010C-001

Is there anyone on this list who can supply these parts, has
surplus parts, or is interested in splitting a purchase?
So far, the best quote I have is a minimum order of 3000
pieces at A$0.41 each with a lead time of 7 weeks.
I would like to reduce the lead time and minimum order.
Be aware, that these baluns are not suitable for
use on TV antennas and medium/high powered HAM radios (but are
perfect for WLAN cards!).  They are typically in a surface
mount package of approximate size 1mm x 2mm x 1mm.


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