[MLB-WIRELESS] that few extra dBi

Jamie Moir jmoir at jmcs.net.au
Sat Aug 2 01:47:02 EST 2003

On Fri, 1 Aug 2003, Cameron McCormack wrote:

> James Healy:
> > The card is a trusty 'ole enterasys...
> This isn't the right connector type, but is the type of antenna you
> want.
>   http://www.netgate.com/product_antennas.html

Ive now got these in, if anyone is interested.\

> Dunno about Enterasys-connector ones, but there's a possibility they're
> out there, if these ones exist.

Next Closest I have is a small omni ~ 5dBi, but you could leave it in the
bag, if you didnt want to scare people =)


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