[MLB-WIRELESS] Three NICs, one firewall

Jason Hecker jhecker at www.wireless.org.au
Wed Apr 23 13:30:02 EST 2003


I've never bother with Redhat's built in firewall.  I have never
installed/enabled it when installing Radhat and use the Shorewall package
instead. Get it at http://www.shorewall.net and get the Redhat RPM.  Read
the manual and you'll never have to screw with iptables again as Shorewall
does all that for you.  Multiple NICs is a breeze.  Notwithstanding,
Shorewall just makes iptables easy, you'll still need to set up the routes 
the good old way.

--== http://www.wireless.org.au/~jhecker ==--

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