[MLB-WIRELESS] OT Telstra cable/adsl and hardware routers

Grant McHerron grant at taoceti.com.au
Fri Apr 4 16:32:28 EST 2003

OK - here goes then:

My Triumph doesn't leak!

I can pick up my Harley on my own!

No, I won't......

There - I can play "Friday Fibbers" with the best of them :)



At 02:51 PM 4/04/03, Jason Brice wrote:
 >There isn't one decent hardware router on the planet that doesn't bear
 >the name 'Cisco Systems'.
 >There. Now you know.
 >oh yeah, and while Im being controversial;
 >Slackware is the best Linux distro for everything **hands down**
 >IIS4 is a VERY stable and secure web serving platform
 >and no one needs a firewall, all this "hacking" stuff on the Internet
 >will never happen to me.
 >Entertain me, its Friday afternoon already.
 >-----Original Message-----
 >From: Jamie Moir [mailto:jmoir at jmcs.net.au]
 >Sent: Friday, 4 April 2003 12:03 PM
 >Cc: MelbWireless
 >Subject: RE: [MLB-WIRELESS] OT Telstra cable/adsl and hardware routers
 >On Fri, 4 Apr 2003, Ben Holko wrote:
 >> I think there's a Netgear that supports to BPA login - ie it has the
 >> code built in to mimic the bpa login client
 >There are a couple of netgears, including the new MR814, a couple of
 >dlinks, and a linksys or two.
 >Its best if you draw the distinction between cable OR ADSL as there are
 >a lot more units that do PPPOE fine but ones that have the BPA login
 >client are a bit more rare.
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Grant McHerron
Tao Ceti Pty Ltd

Level 1, 530 Little Collins St, Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia
Ph: +61 3 9909 7067             Fax: +61 3 9228 3257
http://www.taoceti.com.au       grant at taoceti.com.au

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