[MLB-WIRELESS] Solar power modelling

Tyson Clugg tyson at wireless.org.au
Fri Apr 4 13:43:54 EST 2003

> > I've just got myself a lovely new multimeter with RS-232 
> > port.  MRTG should work a treat at showing power
> > consumption vs. traffic throughput.
> I thought MRTG had a lower limit of 5minutes between polling.
> Are you going to be able to sustain data transfers for an 
> extended enough time to make use of it?

The multimeter also has peak hold capability, and probably a few other
functions as well.  I'll RTFM and see if it can do average value over a
period of time, otherwise I'll use another graphing package.  Or just
transfer all 7 Debian ISO images over the link...

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