[MLB-WIRELESS] long-term viability of 802.11b

Steve Wright paua at quicksilver.net.nz
Sat Sep 21 20:07:27 EST 2002

Hey All.

I thought I'd add my bit to the paranoia;

What will happen one day if the spectrum is overloaded ?

a.) There will be none left to share, and hobbyists get kicked off
b.) We will all share it anyway, and be satisfied will 1200bit/sec 
transfer speed
c.) The government will save us


d.) some newer technology will come along, that will replace 802.11b, 
*and* it will be much better..

I would put my money on  (d.)  since has never failed us so far.  

There's bags of room to go around, and not long before the next 
replacement technology anyhow.
So forget the FUD ay, and have a good time with wireless.


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