[MLB-WIRELESS] Omni antenna up in Cheltenham

Andrew Griffiths andrewg at d2.net.au
Sat Sep 14 19:24:38 EST 2002

Hi guys,

I've currently got an omni directional antenna up at the moment, seeing 
if I can see anyone, (and if a link between txrx is working.)

The antenna is up at Cox St, Cheltenham (node FLK).

Channel 10
ESSID wireless.org.au
IP range (choose something between) > and <
Ah-Hoc mode (IBSS or so... :-))

The antenna location is temporary at the moment, will be moving it up 
onto the roof around the holidays coming up, so I might be able to reach 
  (more?) people then.

Later on I might play with kismet or so...

I'm currently pinging the broadcast addy, if you run some sniffer and 
see my pings, but can't ping me, oh well..

Andrew Griffiths

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