[MLB-WIRELESS] MW Meeting Friday

Tony Langdon tlangdon at atctraining.com.au
Thu Sep 12 15:09:58 EST 2002

The VoIP is all ready to go, several people have already downloaded the
software over the Net, and I've used it with Tyson the other night. :)  This
could be a bit of fun.  I've deliberately chosen something as cross-platform
as possible, Speak Freely runs under Windows and most *NIX based systems.

-----Original Message-----
From: darrend at ndpgroup.com.au [mailto:darrend at ndpgroup.com.au]
Sent: Thursday, 12 September 2002 3:06 PM
To: melbwireless at wireless.org.au
Subject: [MLB-WIRELESS] MW Meeting Friday

Hi all, just a reminder of tomorrow nights meeting. 
see   http://melbourne.wireless.org.au/wiki/?Meeting20020913 
There will be some VOIP over wireless (hence forth known as VOWIP) testing
as announced by Tony earlier... please see his post for details. 
The AGM has been postponed, and there are no presentations scheduled, so
it'll be nice to get back to an informal gathering type of meeting this
month. The BBQ will be cooking as usual. 

See ya there, 

Darren Dreis
Vice President 
Melbourne Wireless Inc.
vicepresident at wireless.org.au 

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