[MLB-WIRELESS] [TIB] A new offer has been added to TIB - 03/09/2002

Fenn Bailey fenn_b at smktech.com.au
Thu Sep 5 14:08:23 EST 2002

> 1) TIB, as originally envisioned.  Bulk purchases for bulk discount.
> 2) Private sales - single or multiple items from the direct 
> (re)seller. 
> - AKA trading post
> 3) commercial sales only - direct advertising for wireless/computer 
> businesses.  not that we have to pay attention to it...
> and no cross posting... (well, maybe with permission... or 
> something... 
> *shrug*)  and a method of kicking people off.  you must join to post. 
>  you must confirm via email.

I have been watching discussions regarding use of TIB (and the actual
use itself) and had come to much the same conclusion (with the possible
mixing of points 2 and 3).

My thoughts are as follows:
 - Separation of the above into individual systems (or one system that
can properly handle it all) is important. "Misuse" of the system in it's
current state only dilutes it's usefulness.
 - Ability for moderation of all of the above is likely
(crossposting/kick off as discussed) but will hopefully not be used
 - This will be helped by the past decision as voted on by the
committee, in that only Melbourne Wireless members will be able to
create offers (at least for bulk orders), so it stands that they
hopefully should be in the interests of the group.

In terms of time this is likely to happen - Fear not, I have not gone
cold on the whole thing, I am just very busy at the moment (I haven't
been to meetings/etc either). I do fully intend to implement the above
and look at solutions for the whole problem.

I have been most gratified to see some excellent bulk deals go through
and have participated in a few myself, so the system is working for the
moment, but is rapidly in danger of becoming less useful if the problems
discussed are not addressed.

Thank you all,

	Fenn "Mr TIB" Bailey.

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