[MLB-WIRELESS] What's Paul doing now???

paul van den bergen pvdb at pvdbergen.caia.swin.edu.au
Thu Oct 31 13:30:13 EST 2002

Hi all,

I thought you might all be interested in my new job...

I am at Swinburne (caia.swin.edu.au) setting up a wireless test bed :-) for 
the next 3 months or so...

I will attempt to get a wireless box set up today so that it can be seen at 
next fridays meeting :-)

Mind you, line of sight to the scout hall is pretty non-existant (<zombie> 
MUST GET ROOF ACCESS... MUST GE</zombie>) so who knows.

as it is I won't be able to make the meeting as I will be somewhere between 
here and Broken Hill (now that would make an interesting long range test... 
perhaps we should get the packet radio bods in to look at using non-802.11 
links to do long haul connections :-)

Anyway, we here at Swinburne CAIA are rather interested in seeing how we can 
support Melb Wireless.  Please drop me a line (initially at my home address - 
gabpaul at melbpc.org.au - at least until I get my work address sorted... HR 
works in mysterious ways...) if you can think of ways we can assist the 
wireless community.

One thought we had was to establish a number allocation service
Another was to host a hardware database.

We are also going to be setting up IPv6 on our wireless testbed...

Long term we are interested in attracting research funding and interesting 
projects to run on the test bed...  Please feel free to contact me in this 
regard if you have any ideas...


Dr Paul van den Bergen

P.S. Matt Chipman, can you contact me either on 042 886 3160 or by email : 
gabpaul at melbpc.org.au

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