Jon Teh jon at unicomsystems.com
Tue Oct 29 13:02:14 EST 2002

On Tue, Oct 29, 2002 at 10:48:58AM +1100, Jason Clarke wrote:
> Vak,
> First off, a flame to JT :-) He's done his usual sarcastic condescending
> comments :-) Please don't JT. It annoys people.

What a load of crap. If this is a warez list, could the maintainer please
unsubscribe me now; if not, let's talk about wireless networking.

> 2ndly, I'm not a lawyer, so this may be off..
> Cash converters often sell stolen goods, but they're not (well, I guess
> rarely, I'm sure it's happened) pulled up about it because they receive the
> goods in good faith.

The poster did not mention an increase in price for a cost OS, as opposed to
a no-cost OS, so I really doubt there's good faith here.

> Does this apply here in that the onus is on Shaun rather than MW?

Sure, but if no-one every says anything when goods of questionable legality
are offered for sale, there's nothing to guide others who may be thinking
of posting their own goods, that this is not appropriate for a community
wireless mailing list.

> I guess what I'm saying is "It's a good thing to bring this to light, but do
> we have a responsibility to do so?"
> Also, who's ultimately responsible for checking the legitimacy of all
> hardware & software sales?
> I agree that obvious illegal activities (Eg, offering to copy software)
> should be nipped in the bud.

My main point is, this list is for discussions related to community wireless
networking, with the occasional non-commercial post with *wireless* goods 
for sale, being acceptable. If this starts becoming a trading list for 
everything and anything, including that which is not legal, it'd be a seriously poorer quality list.

-- Jon Teh

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