[MLB-WIRELESS] [TIB] A new offer has been added to TIB - 24/10/2002

Tony Langdon, VK3JED vk3jed at optushome.com.au
Thu Oct 24 19:55:49 EST 2002

At 06:51 PM 24/10/2002 +1000, you wrote:

>Alloy might be cheap, but do they work? I work at a IT company, and we have
>stopped buying alloy gear because of the problems we have had with their
>switches. the basic 8 port 10/100 switching hubs have on occasion go into a
>state where you can ping through them but nothing much else... we have got
>replacement ones and they do the same thing.. the only solution seemed to be
>to cycle the power every few days.. anyone wanna do that for an AP? *grins*

That sounds like some cheap switches we've got. :-(  Annoying things.  I've 
got a timer on the worst offender to power cycle it several times during 
the day on weekends, so those logging in remotely aren't off for more than 
a few hours worst case...  During the week, I just hit the power toggle 
button on the timer twice to execute a power cycle manually. :)

Oh well, hope to ditch those next year, I've put in a submission for a high 
end 40 port switch to replace that crap. :)

73 de Tony, VK3JED

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