[MLB-WIRELESS] 802.11a licensing and restrictions...

Jamie Lovick jalovick at doof.org
Thu Nov 28 16:43:29 EST 2002


On Thu, 28 Nov 2002, Fenn Bailey wrote:
> Can someone possibly either tell me, or point me in the direction of
> the licensing information for 802.11a (eg: I keep hearing stuff
> about outdoor restrictions, etc, etc)

Currently, all of the available 802.11a equipment workings in a band
at around 5.2 GHz. This band falls into the Low Interference Potential
Devices class licence of the ACA.

Details are available at:




Devices that opperate under this licence are designed for low
interferance, as the frequencies they occupy are in use in other areas
for different applications (in the case of 5.2 GHz, it is used for
Satellite uplink and various other uses).

Becase of this, they are limited to indoor use.

There is another band at around 5.8 GHz which allows operation up to 1
Watt EIRP, and falls within the Spread Spectrum Class Licence. These
devices are not very common, and are generally quite expensive. Cisco
for example make a dedicated Bridge that works in the 5.8 GHz band.

> Thanks heaps (and sorry if it's been posted 23478923987 times
> already).

It has, but that's ok, it's better to know about it than not know.



Jamie Lovick    <->  IT Consultant    <-> +614 1479 1681
Hobby     : Doof.org                   -> jalovick at doof.org
Director  : Drastic Solutions Pty Ltd  -> jalovick at drasticsolutions.com.au
----- Public Relations Officer - the Australian Wireless Association -----

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