[MLB-WIRELESS] Re[2]: [Syd-Wireless] Vote! 802.11g & 802.11b

evilbunny evilbunny at sydneywireless.com
Fri Nov 22 15:44:48 EST 2002

Hello Brett,

Also worth noting intersil is only looking to support standard
extensions on 802.11g, meaning no support for PBCC or their own
optional extension... TI commented on this stating if intersil wasn't
going to even support their own, then there was little hope that
anybody else will either...

Best regards,
 evilbunny                            mailto:evilbunny at sydneywireless.com

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Friday, November 22, 2002, 12:52:46 PM, you wrote:

BJM> On Fri, Nov 22, 2002 at 12:11:42PM +0900, Michael_Florence at dlink.com.au wrote:
>> As we understand it, the 802.11g standard is designed to be backward compatible
>> with 802.11b. There are two types of thinking on how this will happen.
>> Y) Some say the 802.11g standard will negotiate between modulation schemes of g
>> & b simultaneously on the same chipset.
>> Z) Others say that you only be able to run one mode at one time and require a
>> "dual chipset" device to run both b & g.
>> I am interested to see what the perception is out there, so my question to the
>> members is, are you Y or Z?
>> -Michael Florence

BJM> Mike, not being a rf eng, I can't really vote on the technical
BJM> feasibility of doing Y, but I would definately pay a premium for
BJM> a chipset that could either do both, or intelligently choose between
BJM> the two, depending on what is going on around it.

BJM> Obviously, given hardware that can do only Z, the above can be done
BJM> using sufficiently smart drivers. But, the last thing we really
BJM> need is yet more confusion in the market place as to what hardware
BJM> will talk to which other hardware.

BJM> My 0.02c.

BJM> brett
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