[MLB-WIRELESS] Antenna Mount

bchild at wireless.org.au bchild at wireless.org.au
Mon May 13 11:13:35 EST 2002

for question 1, that's exactly what i did for mine, for question 2, work out the
sea level heights of the 2 nodes, then compansate for the difference, when u place
ur anntenas on the masts, make sure that they are mounted at the angle you want.

Then it's just a matter of mounting the mast in place, with most master you can turn 
them slighty with a left or right twist.

---- Original Message ----
From:		Ben Holko
Date:		Mon 5/13/02 10:38
To:		melbwireless at wireless.org.au
Subject:	[MLB-WIRELESS] Antenna Mount

Hey all,

A couple of questions:

1: On a reasonably long link (~10km's) what is the best way to align the
antennas, both just to get going, and to fine tune the signal strength? I've
seen mention of "Network Stumbler" which looks like the goods, and of course
ftp tests should suffice for speed - anything else?

2: If using a high mast (~4 meters) is there a remotely adjustable bracket
(via cables or something) I can buy, or do I have to hire a cherry picker?


Ben Holko
Operations Manager
Ph: +61 3 9626 9600
Fax: +61 3 9626 9699
Ben.Holko at GlobalCenter.net.au

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