[MLB-WIRELESS] Routing dialup with the MR314

Bruce Paterson paterson at tassie.net.au
Wed May 1 06:55:20 EST 2002

Thanks for all your helpful suggestions, everyone.

We have liftoff!

My experience with wired Mac/PC networks is that it's not usually so 
painful to get them to talk on TCP/IP or even file share with a 
program like Dave or Doubletalk.

Terminology is different though, which threw me off as I haven't done 
it for a while. Mac TCP/IP calls it a router address. Windows TCP 
calls it a gateway, etc.

WinRoute Lite would only share to the router at 300 bytes/s for some 
reason, but WinRoute Pro works well.

Interesting to note that my PC seems to achieve 6-7 k/s on dialup 
while the G3's dialup has only ever been 4-6 k/s...

Now I just have to work out how extend the range :-)

Stay tuned, and thanks again.


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