[MLB-WIRELESS] Re: mojo -was- structure

Clae clae13 at yahoo.com
Wed Mar 20 06:18:49 EST 2002

>   Ben> As far as I see it, we can either have a 'mojo' like system, or
>   Ben> have a "test" that people have to take before they get to use
>   Ben> the network to guarantee that the people are altruistic enough
>   Ben> to donate to the system when they don't have to.

but if we are only building a network for people who are "altruistic 
enough"  how altruistic is that?

>i'm yet to be convinced that we need a charging regime,

it's an interesting exercise to ponder mechanisms to automagically 
discourage abuse though

>consequently, the owner of the busy node will accumulate lots of mojo,
>and will be able to afford to put his/her packets at the head of the
>queue, thus ensuring reduced latency.

queuing should be by type of traffic, not by the "worth" of the sender.

the above is actually a _dis_incentive for that person to invest in 
extra bandwidth in their region

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