[MLB-WIRELESS] Resignation

Matthew Chipman mkchipman at optushome.com.au
Sun Mar 17 09:50:40 EST 2002


by resigning, you are doing what the minority wants.  The majority would
want a comittee and we do need it.  In fact those who think we don't are
just not thinking far enough ahead.
 Everyone talks about growth and how much they want this to expand but
without a comittee and without direction, it WILL NOT happen.  It will get
to a certain point then internal bikering will rip it apart.

There have been numerous great suggestions on the list about the direction
the club will take, some good, some bad lets look at them all.

WHat about the people that cant turn upto the meeting?  I missed last months
and would have loved to have read some properly created minutes describing
what happened. Next month i will even take the minutes!

Your last paragraph backs what others have said in favour of a comittee.
there is already a surplus in funds.

There would have been several people there at the meeting who would have
done some quick calculations and discovered there would more likely have
been a surplus.  In a comittee there is a tresurer who reports to a group.

All my arguments are there to support the (public) organisation of a

Basically i am not going to try to talk you into withdrawing your
resignation, you can do that yourself.  I would suggest you need some more
help to do what you are doing.  Figure out what you need to pass on and pass
it on

One of the first things on the agenda would be mailing list protocol.  No
swearing, no personal abuse,

Lets have a vote on whether we need a comitee or not?  Each person sends an
email to the list with a subject "Vote comittee YES or NO" there will be a
bit of noise for a few days but filters are an amazing thing!  also the vote
including the result is public, doesnt take much to organise (don't vote
yet, wait till its oked)

One last thing.  while i'm on a roll  don't forget there is nothing new here
it what is going on. We are not the first club, nor are we the first
wireless network or the first network.  Stop trying to reinvent the wheel,
lets look at what others have done and take what we need and chuck the rest.


----- Original Message -----
From: <Tyson.Clugg at csiro.au>
To: <clae13 at yahoo.com>; <melbwireless at wireless.org.au>
Sent: Sunday, March 17, 2002 4:02 AM
Subject: [MLB-WIRELESS] Resignation

> I apologize to everyone in the group.
> I have been trying VERY HARD to please lots of people.
> I, like others, am getting stressed.
> Tempers have been running very high.
> In the previous week, the list has seen more posts regarding
> issues than technical ones.
> We all want roughly the same things, we disagree on how we should achieve
> this.
> Nobody can please everyone all of the time.
> Some things do not just happen, there is a "group" of us working together
> get things happening, we have loosely referred to ourselves as a
> "committee".
> This "group" typically communicates off list.
> This "group" is formed of people that have been constructive and
> communicative at the meetings, that is people who have approached myself
> others and been pro-active in getting things done.
> The pro-active part is especially relevant.  Activities carried out
> * Running the current server - which includes web pages, mailing lists,
> maps, etc.
> * Building the new server, to cope with the exponential growth experienced
> by the group.
> * Sourcing bandwidth and hardware to run the servers.
> * Finding a suitable venue for our monthly meeting.
> * Communicating with external entities, such as the press, government and
> others.
> * Running the monthly meetings.
> * Documenting what we do, like the RFC.
> I have raised the issue of voting for a committee numerous times on this
> list.
> Every time I raise the issue, I get flamed.
> The issue won't go away until we have a committee.
> The group can't run itself, someone needs to organise things.
> does not have a committee, yet the meetings still go ahead.
> I apologise for being human.  I have my flaws like everyone else.  I have
> been doing my best at helping Melb-Wireless rise to a level that we can
> hopefully be proud of.  I am not alone in my efforts.
> If you have ANY questions regarding how things have been happening, who
> been doing what, what is planned for the future, then all you need to do
> ASK.  We WILL reply truthfully and honestly.  Feel free to ask such
> questions openly on the list, feel free to request that they are answered
> via the list.  We can make no guarantees that we can answer every
> as we are sure that there are plenty to ask, but we will try our best.
> If people feel that my services are not required, then I shall leave.  As
> simple as that.
> As a matter of fact, I'm tired of being flamed.
> I hereby step down.  I resign myself from doing anything that can be
> considered as helping the group.
> If you want me back, ask nicely.  Until then, I'll be another one of those
> fools asking "what can wireless do for me", rather than "what can I do for
> the community with wireless".
> Regards,
> Tyson.
> __________________________________
> Tyson Clugg
> email: Tyson.Clugg at csiro.au
> phone: +61 3 9887 0117 (Home)
> __________________________________
> PS: Extra monies collected at the last meeting (total monies collected was
> $99.50, hall cost was $50.00, extra monies are therefore $49.50) shall be
> brought along to the next meeting, or forwarded to whoever decides to take
> up organising the next meeting.  We probably won't fit into the scout hall
> for much longer, and the insurance on other venues is expensive.  You will
> need the cash.  I wish you good luck finding a venue, and the best of luck
> organising the meetings.  Perhaps I might even turn up at one.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Clae [mailto:clae13 at yahoo.com]
> Sent: Saturday, March 16, 2002 8:39 PM
> To: melbwireless at wireless.org.au
> Subject: [MLB-WIRELESS] Fwd: Committee Meeting
> I strongly object to this kind of thing being organised by private
> emails, without going through the public list.  I am not about to
> become part anyone's "committee by appointment".
> I therefore propose that the melbwireless community move at the next
> meeting to establish genuine democratic process, for example, a
> constitution, formal incorporation, offices and decision-making
> procedures.
> I also propose that this "committee" has absolutely no recognition
> from the floor, until such time as a democratic process has ensued.
> This kind of feral back-room branch stacking really gets my giddy goat.
> Clae.
> >X-From_: tyson.clugg at csiro.au  Thu Mar 14 21:20:39 2002
> >X-Track: 1: 40
> >X-Yahoo-Forwarded: from clae13 at yahoo.com to clae at tpg.com.au
> >From: Tyson.Clugg at csiro.au
> >To:
> >Subject: Committee Meeting
> >Date: Thu, 14 Mar 2002 21:20:30 +1100
> >
> >Dear "Committee",
> >
> >We are having an impromptu meeting, to discuss various developments of
> >week.
> >
> >
> >***Time***
> >5pm Saturday March 16th 2002.  This time is not concrete - if you can't
> make
> >it, TELL me.  We NEED your input.
> >
> >***Location***
> >O'Connell Reserve.
> >
> >***Duration***
> >Between 2 and 4 hours.
> >
> >***Bring***
> >Pen and paper.
> >Your "everyday" laptop if you have one.
> >Ideas for the next meeting (12th April 2002).
> >Thoughts on what you would say to Senator Richard Alston if you were to
> meet
> >him and discuss current ACA regulations regarding broadcasting internet
> >packets on community wireless networks.
> >
> >***Leave***
> >Show and tell stuff, unless it is of importance to the "committee".
> >Friends who would be better off attending the next general meeting.
> >
> >
> >Regards,
> >Tyson.
> >
> >PS: I refer to this group of people as the "committee", as I couldn't
> >of any other description for us at the moment.
> >____________________________________________
> >
> >Tyson Clugg
> >IT Services
> >CSIRO - Molecular Science, Clayton
> >phone (work): 03 9545 8117
> >phone (home): 03 9887 0117
> >email: tyson.clugg at csiro.au
> >____________________________________________
> --
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