[MLB-WIRELESS] Meeting Structure? #%(^&!!

Andy Freeman andy at kawasaki.kz
Fri Mar 15 23:28:37 EST 2002

Ok boys... drop your pants around your ankles, flop it out and get this
"dick sizing" over with.

I cannot believe this dribble of "I was here before you" school-yard

Do you really think that Mr Intel or Ms Microsoft would want to invest
in a group that showed such an immaturity?  I don't think so.


Don't worry about it, get a node up and running, link it to someone
else, teach, encourage and motivate others to do the same and while you
work through the real issues of setting-up equipment and routing to
someone else you will then be wiser to the needs of a community wireless

I'm not saying don't have the foresight to see issues before they arise,
more "you need to walk before you crawl".

The "NetworkHorde" wikiwikiwhatsit it a great way to start, it gives
some structure for those that require it and provides teaching,
encouragement and motivation to others (and the people that keep asking
"where is the free internet" can ignore it).

C'mon guys, we CAN get this to work.


Oh... BTW I tuck mine into my left boot to stop it from bruising my leg.

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