[MLB-WIRELESS] a few more stupid q's

rick mibz at optushome.com.au
Tue Mar 5 07:39:49 EST 2002

my friend who installes firedetection systems found this in a roof

i will read off what the text had


gain 2X20db

frequency 40-860
2.6VA 50hz

now it had one input hole and 2 output holes coax styleing, can i use this in anyway 2 split my connection to 2 galexy antenas pointing in 2 diff ways?

on question 2

do wireless cards only connet 1 to 1

if i had a dish pointing at 2 dishes that where pointing back at me (the 2 dishes being relitivly close ie next door)

do i get a network with both of them or just one?

if its just 1to1 howtf do omni antennas connect multiply people at once

thankyou! :)
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