[MLB-WIRELESS] [Melbourne Wireless] July 12th User group meeting!

sanbar sandbar at ozemail.com.au
Wed Jun 26 14:16:48 EST 2002

OK, speaking for the one in five people out there who do not work 9am-5pm 
Mondays to Fridays.

While the meetings continue to be held on the same night every month 
during the same hours I'm working, I won't attend. I can at least turn up 
late and see what went on.
While the working group meetings continue to be held during evenings when 
I'm working, I won't attend.
While the executive positions require meetings during the hours I'm 
normally working, I won't attend.

I'm not bitter about this, just that I can't attend, so don't bother 
thinking about these issues. For me, I'm resigned to non-participation 
because the meeting schedules are so rigid.
- Barry

On Wed, 26 Jun 2002, Ryan Abbenhuys wrote:

> Why is it the Melbwireless meetings that should change.
> Why can't you change the other commitments instead?? :)
> Well?!?!??  Are they more important?!?!?  Hmm, yer, didn't think so.

barry park
-=all your http_get are belong to us=-

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