[MLB-WIRELESS] Bridging with Win XP?

Cato cato at codebear.com
Mon Jun 24 09:25:53 EST 2002

I'll leave the bridging part for someone else, but ...

At 12:37 AM 24/06/2002, Joe Hovel wrote:
>Will this bridging capacity of Win XP allow NetBeui access to remote
>machines (given that NetBEUI isn't routable)?

Although NetBeui isn't routable, NetBIOS is, given the right carrier 
protocol. So ...

Toss NetBeui out the door.
Enable Netbios over TCP/IP
Be aware the Ports 137, 139 and one or 2 others are now exposed as these 
are the MS Netbios ports. Just secure them as with firewalls etc ...

Now, let's say you share a directory on a machine somewhere (password 
protect it) and the machine is at

And let's say you are on a second machine that can route to the first one 
(for arguments sake it might be internal, public, whatever. All that 
matters is that you can route to it. Ping and Traceroute are your friends.)

Click START - Run - and type:

Voila. Instant Netbios-like connection. You will see all the shares 
(printers and folders) on that machine.

Hope that helps.

This is also a great way of connecting to those machines on your network 
that you know are alive but haven't shown up in Network Neighbourhood yet.


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