[MLB-WIRELESS] irc server?

Tristan Gulyas zardoz at 2600.org.au
Fri Jun 21 10:22:11 EST 2002


What is your ident currently set to?  There is a good chance that you are
using an ident that may also be commonly used with clonebot/trojan scripts.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ben Anderson" <a_neb at optushome.com.au>
To: <melbwireless at wireless.org.au>
Sent: Thursday, June 20, 2002 6:11 PM
Subject: [MLB-WIRELESS] irc server?

> anyone got any ideas how to deal with austnet rejecting me (clone ident)?
> I've talked to help at austnet.org which is what the error message tells me
> do..  The guy at the other end kept assuming I was a complete moron and I
> had a setting in mirc wrong (how dumb can one get??!)
> Anyone?
> Ben.
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