Ryan Abbenhuys sneeze at alphalink.com.au
Fri Jun 14 08:35:07 EST 2002

Okay people.  I think we need to come up with a 3 letter domain name suffix
use on the network.  No doubt people will want to have a nice domain name for

their servers rather than having to remember IP's all the time.

I'll be running a DNS Server on my AP and would be happy to be used for lookup

for any of the nodes that we'll be connecting up over the coming months in the

Wantirna area. (Big progress in the Wantirna/Knox area people....and i mean

BIIGGGG. so stay tuned)

I think it's best to keep it simple, I doubt we'd run out of domain names anytime

in the next 25 years but if we do we could perhaps just append something else

onto the end when the time comes.

I've been having a bit of a think about it and so far the ideas I have come

up with are....

.WAN   -derrrr
.MWN   -MelbWireless Network
.MWW   -MelbWireless WAN

Put on your thinking caps people.
Apologies to WGRouting/Addressing for not putting this to them, but I don't

think it's brain surgery like the rest of the stuff you guys have been lumped

with sorting out  :)

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