[MLB-WIRELESS] Domain name registrations

evilbunny evilbunny at sydneywireless.com
Thu Jul 25 22:25:24 EST 2002

Hello Dwayne,

D> Yeah, that's who I use.

godaddy.com - $8.95USD
gkg.net - $9.99USD

indeed it pays to shop about...

D> People host in Australia? Why?

Because when telstra international links die you get clients screaming
that your service is fsck'ed and they want their money back...

but like that ever happens... right?

Best regards,
 evilbunny                            mailto:evilbunny at sydneywireless.com

http://www.SydneyWireless.com - Exercise your communications
freedom to make it do what you never thought possible... 
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