[MLB-WIRELESS] sydneywireless on slashdot

lkhoo at csc.com.au lkhoo at csc.com.au
Thu Jan 24 11:41:15 EST 2002

Don't know if everyone saw this last night/yesterday (or if it already
really old news ) but anyway ...

from slashdot ...


Mega Public WAN In Sydney
Posted by timothy on Tuesday January 22, @11:42PM
from the annoyance-is-the-mother-of-invention dept.
Chris Meder writes: "As posted on CFGN - The Nation , gibed by the recent
unreasonable price hikes in Broadband connectivity in Australia, which come
already after a strained relationship between Broadband users and the major
telco/ISP Telstra BigPond Internet, a group of people in the largest
Australian metropolitan city of Sydney have decided to form a city wide
amateur wireless network. The team behind this clever idea have also put up
a detailed graphical database of people interested and are still looking
for more numbers to get this off the ground." This last part reminds me of
the Global Access Wireless Database, as featured here. Update: 01/23 18:53
GMT by T: Reader Peter Mann wrote to point out that "there's a mailing list
for a similar wireless project in Sydney at http://sydney.air.net.au."

Similar to the melbwireless node db was sydneys version

what was particularly interesting was the "network connectivity view" which
shows a few already connected. Plus a lot more detail that people have put
in about their particular nodes ie. "Descriptive site location : Fence post
with antenna" :)


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