[MLB-WIRELESS] Cable reference

Hamish Moffatt hamish at cloud.net.au
Wed Jan 16 23:15:56 EST 2002

On Wed, Jan 16, 2002 at 10:46:27PM +1100, Adrian Close wrote:
> Found this cable reference site that might be useful:
> 	http://concord-elex.com/public/geninfo/cableref.html
> For the record, neither RG58 nor RG213 are suitable for 2.4GHz... :)
> RG212 and RG214 appear to be OK.  RG196 appears to be the really thin
> stuff that is used on those pigtails.

I just saw some prices for Times cable at www.cablexperts.com.
LMR1700 (7.3 dB loss per 100m) is $7.90 US per foot, which I
calculate to be about $50 AUS per metre. Ouch! LDF550
isn't much cheaper.

LMR400 is around $4.50 per metre AUS. Male N connectors
are US$20 each. For LMR1700 they are $110 US each....

No sign of RG212/214 on their web site though (cablexperts.com).
The RG numbers I think are fairly generic specs so it may
be a matter of finding a manufacturer with something close
to those specs. I thought RG214 was just double-shielded
RG213, which wouldn't make a lot of difference.

Hamish Moffatt VK3SB <hamish at debian.org> <hamish at cloud.net.au>

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