Killing off [MLB-WIRELESS] Hang on a tick before you all get carried away

Lucas Lozo lucas.lozo at
Thu Jan 10 18:29:53 EST 2002

I am not trying to "piss on you party."

I would like see where the wireless setup is going
and to decide to put up a AP.

Legally there is one issue the concers me.

About being a non-profit club..

Being  previously a member various computer user clubs in the past, they
all had to opt to become incorporated and take on some for of legal
As the activities of a individual may have a legal ramification on all
other Club members.
Irrespective if its non-profit.

So where do we all stand?

-----Original Message-----
From: Barry Park [mailto:bpark at]
Sent: Thursday, 10 January 2002 5:41 PM
To: melbwireless at
Subject: Killing off [MLB-WIRELESS] Hang on a tick before you all get
carried away

Hey, Lucas, don't piss on my party. Granted, it's a bit ubergeek at the
moment, and expensive, and there are a lot of unknown quantities. But at
same time, it's fun and could one day be worthwhile. That's enough for
In the meantime, feel free to keep lurking on the list and jump in as
as something appears that suits your interests, fears, skills and

Thread == dead.

- Barry

-----Original Message-----
From: Lucas Lozo <lucas.lozo at>
To: melbwireless at
<melbwireless at>
Date: Thursday, January 10, 2002 5:29 PM
Subject: [MLB-WIRELESS] Hang on a tick before you all get carried

>Hey i am expessing my views and pointing pitfalls and problem that may
>And I will also mention certain issues that many people are afraid to
>1.  I have said earlier, I think melb Wireless is a great idea.
>2.  I have pointed out some bandwidth will be lost to people using Melb
>    for commercial purposes.
>3.  There is nothing in this world that is Free. even Death incures a
>4.  There are laws that people should abide by and Melb-Wireless will
>subject to.
>5.  Becuase its free or Public or community does not make it immune
>6.  Having a "un-regulated or un-controlled" network will open its self
>to abuse and
>    eventual failure.
>7.  If some one donates Time, money, equipement, facilities, you
>    a "reasonable service".
>8.  Biggest attraction i have seen for wireless lan for a lot of people
>is internet access,
>    so where is the net access going to come from? If you read most
>ISP's service aggreement,
>    can not redistribute the internet, so guys with cable who intend to
>supply some net content
>    will be voiding their contracted aggreements, Fact.
>9.  Another attraction for people is able to swap "Pirated Software"
>(ooh bad word here).
>    To spend many $$$ to gain access to P.D. software seems pointless
>    And having written software before, i understand what time and
>is involved,
>    and would be very upset if some one was ripping it off.
>10. Some of the Costs in setting up wireless-lan seem to be slightly
>    It may be true that if you get given a PC here, or get a
>discontinued item there the costs may be
>    low. But if you want to set it up tommorrow with brand new reliable
>Equipement, its far higher.
>    If your car you bought from OS fails tommorrow, what service do you
>    So some locally and readily avaible pricing should be mentioned.
>11. I thought this was supposed to be a forum we can discuss issues in
>adult manner
>    instead of Clae resorting to using remarkes like "Comrade" or
>"Lenin", i suppose you would like it
>    if i mentioned to you or implied your a Gay, so keep it at a adult
>12. Also i am pusing the point of possible uses of the wireless lan,
>other than what was mentioned
>    above, their maybe some great application for it that some one has
>not heard of.
>My Opinions and issues i believe should be discussed..
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