[MLB-WIRELESS] Successful People

Robert Foster rfoster at mountainvisions.com.au
Wed Jan 2 13:13:56 EST 2002

Successful PeopleAlso, take a look at
http://cgi.ebay.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=1311221959 for the
PCI Adapters.  They have 45 of them, but is this a good price? ($US 39.99 ~
$AU80)  Maybe we could get some of these as needed and get Drew to ship the

Just a thought.
Rob Foster.
  -----Original Message-----
  From: ABBENHUYS, Ryan [mailto:rabbenhuys at mfbb.vic.gov.au]
  Sent: Wednesday, 2 January 2002 9:13 AM
  To: 'melbwireless at melbwireless.dyndns.org'
  Subject: [MLB-WIRELESS] Successful People

  Okay the list of people is as follows

  1 - Ernie
  4 - Robert Farrar
  2 - Goa Trance
  1 - Barry
  2 - ME!!
  2 - Robert Foster
  1 - Hamish Moffatt
  2 - Michael Carey
  2 - Adrian Close
  2 - Howie Chua

  That's the 19 cards.

  I will now only email these people directly to arrange for payment and
provide updates.

  Should I not be able to contact any of these people or they cannot pay
when required then I shall contact one or more of the following people.

  2 - simmans at datafast.net.au
  2 - Dean H


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