[MLB-WIRELESS] Re: [WG-Routing] IP allocation questions / he lp

Tony Langdon tlangdon at atctraining.com.au
Mon Dec 23 10:44:37 EST 2002

> Don't make the 10.10* blocks so easy to get.  Every joe blow 
> is going to 
> think "oh, IP address, yes i believe I need one of those" and 
> go and grab an 
> allocation when they aren't doing anything but linking to 
> john citizen two 
> streets away and might as well use 192.168*.  Or they are in 
> fact connecting 
> to an AP someone else is running who already has allocated 
> addresses to dish 
> out to people.

Good point.  I'm probably going to be one of those leaf nodes that will be
able to get away with running all MW activity off the one 10.10.x.x IP
address.  I don't intend allowing general LAN access, so the one IP address
should be sufficient.  OTOH, I may need to be able to route through to my
main firewall, which would mean I require a /28.  In any case, I think it's
fair I should justify my allocation if I apply for one.

Of course, I will be running a /48 on IPv6, of which at least part will be
accessible from wireless (at least until MW gets its own IPv6 allocation).

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