paul van den bergen pvandenbergen at swin.edu.au
Wed Dec 11 13:12:18 EST 2002

sounds suspiciously like the limit is regulatory not physical (well, one may 
argue...) as it exactly matches the cat5 data rate limit....

note also the socalled (and poorly remembered so someone correct me if I stuff 
up here) 3-4-5 rule
in a given ethernet network (eg. bound by routers) there can be 3 sections 
with hosts on them, 4 repeaters (which follows mathematically but I suspect 
makes it all sound better... who is going to remember a 3-5 rule...) and 5 
segments... each up to 100 m length (without active repeaters).

so given that, I would imagine the amount of power you need to push down the 
line, the effect of that on the noise tollerence of the cat5 and the length 
you have to go will all input to the performance of the line.  I also 
suspwect that these are outlined in the POE standard... anyone?

On Wed, 11 Dec 2002 12:27 pm, Tony Langdon wrote:
> > The limitation of 328 ft / 100mtrs on the cat 5, is that each segment?
> >
> > Eg
> > PC -> 100mtrs <- Base Unit
> > Base unit -> 100mtrs <- Terminal Unit
> > Terminal Unit -> 100mtrs <-- AP
> >
> > (Yes, I know, getting 100mtrs in the 3rd section is probably
> > impossible)
> I'd say it's a total length limit, but I could be wrong.
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Dr Paul van den Bergen
Centre for Advanced Internet Architectures
pvandenbergen at swin.edu.au
would somebody get this big walking carpet out of my way?

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