[MLB-WIRELESS] list 'from' address...

Jon Teh jon at unicomsystems.com
Sun Aug 25 19:07:23 EST 2002

On Sun, Aug 25, 2002 at 06:31:17PM +1000, Mattt wrote:
> Erm, should the 'from' address on list-generated mail not be set to that
> of the list?
> In Evolution, when I click 'reply' it, by default, opens a return
> message to the original sender of the list mail I'm replying to, instead
> of the list (to reply to the list, there's an option on the context
> menu). Is this standard list behaviour?

This is a matter of personal opinion and many many flame wars.
Please do NOT bring it up again, as we're sticking with what we have,
and you can look in the archives if you wish to learn peoples'
opinions on this matter.

-- Jon Teh 

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