[MLB-WIRELESS] Sydney, AWA, fees, inquiry

Jeremy Lunn jeremy at austux.net
Sun Apr 21 17:38:44 EST 2002

On Sat, Apr 20, 2002 at 02:44:26PM +1000, Dean Collins wrote:
> David, how many people do you see spending the $1000 for an AP? If everyone
> feels that you can get the density required with just people buying their
> own then that is great BUT it seems like these costs are better to be shared
> over a number of member rather than just single individuals.

You are forgetting that to build a network with sufficient bandwidth and
redundency you will need to use a mesh like topology rather than a
hierarchical type of topology.  So each node is better off having
several directional point-to-point links rather than a single link to an
omni for each ordinary node (in any case you could only have about 6
links off one omni).

Nodes in more prime locations (eg top of hills) may require more
directional links but this could be funded by people who connect
directly or who would more directly benifit from it (mainly people

Jeremy Lunn
Melbourne, Australia
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