[MLB-WIRELESS] Bulk purchase handling

Marian Szczepkowski Marian.Szczepkowski at ericsson.com.au
Fri Apr 19 14:28:01 EST 2002


I hate writing but, 
If MW is going to get itself organised into a club/society/co-op/... 
then can we also get some form of organisation into the bulk 
purchase dept. 

The script used for the purchase of the latest crop of
enterasys cards seems like a great idea.

I would like to see this sort of thing set up on a permanent
basis at the MW home page and maintained as an ongoing thing.

We should by now have contact details for much of what the current
users are after, and if we don't we should.

I see the process working as such

Pre execution phase
Install script and database on server.

Set up triggers in the script and feedback information so the buyers will 
know what the progress is. Also what the subscription needs to be to 
achieve a certain price point.

Create accounts and willing contacts for purchase system.

Execution phase
1. Accept orders

2. When a trigger is reached email a central contact registry 
   that the criteria for a purchase has been reached.

3. Email all participants that payment is now due

4. Participants pay and forward payment details to contact.

5. On receipt contact closes current order book and purchases product.

6. Execution phase starts again.

At the moment we are running on volunteers.

The system is ad hoc at best and has no framework to allow late
or further entry into the system as new comers present at MW.

The number of people who missed out on the first round of cards
was from the latest order scramble considerable.

If we want to encourage more people to use and abuse we need to lower
the barrier to entry. 

My 10 cents worth.

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