[MLB-WIRELESS] IP Addressing

Tony Langdon tlangdon at atctraining.com.au
Tue Apr 9 12:56:04 EST 2002

> Tony, when you say roaming nodes I assume you don't mean 
> roaming routing 
> nodes, though.... so... possibly you could connect using an 
> IP from the 
> range you'd allocated yourself at home, as a client/leaf node to some 
> nearby (to your mobile node) AP. From this perspective I 
> don't see much 
> difference between a mobile node and someone using my AP to 
> connect from a 
> cafe down the street with a lappy.

I'm talking about the case where you take the lappy out to (say) a cafe and
want to connect home, or somewhere else, but with a more static IP address.
Can be arranged with tunneling (mobile IP does that, as does any VPN) at the
cost of efficiency.  Not considering mobile routers at all, just nodes away
from home. :)

For myself, I'll probably just use a VPN and allocate 2 IPs to my mobile
node.  One would be a static "internal" (192.168.x.x) IP, and the other
would be a DHCP allocated Melb Wireless IP address, which would just be a
carrier IP.  My spare Melb Wireless IPs would be available (by DHCP) to any
passer by for access to anything that's public on the network. :)

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