[MLB-WIRELESS] Off to the LUV installfest

Robert Foster rfoster at mountainvisions.com.au
Mon Nov 26 10:35:57 EST 2001

Yeah, well, was busy.  Would have loved to be there though.
Currently waiting impatiently for my new Apple Airport 2 to arrive ( 1 - 2
weeks wait on that, still being packaged in Singapore, apparently).  I'll
have to post a review when I get it and have a play.

Anyone else in the Hoppers Crossing area who has hardware already?  I've got
an Alloy card sticking out of my Laptop just itching to try out a nice,
juicy Wireless network, but has to wait for the Apple gear to arrive.


-----Original Message-----
From: Everan Roseblade [mailto:Everan at EternalVisions.com]
Sent: Monday, 26 November 2001 10:04 AM
To: melbwireless at melbwireless.dyndns.org
Subject: Re: [MLB-WIRELESS] Off to the LUV installfest

..   BTW .. like Matt said, there was no one (which i saw besides matt)
had anything WIRELESS there. for sale, for show, for info ... which was
dissapointing. That's why I went .. to hopefully see some enthusiasts (linux
or other OS)....



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