[kernel-xen] adding pv_grub2

Steven Haigh netwiz at crc.id.au
Thu Apr 14 11:55:09 AEST 2016

On 2016-04-14 09:26, Glenn Enright wrote:
> Trying to guage the communinty interest in using pv_grub2, vs pv_grub.
> Please sing out of you want or object to this feature or if you have
> any thoughts about how it should be included.
> From the bug report at http://xen.crc.id.au/bugs/view.php?id=73
> It looks like upstream may be deprecating pv_grub in favour of 
> pv_grub2.
> http://www.gossamer-threads.com/lists/xen/devel/417646
> It would be good to have that included in the xen build alongside
> pv_grub so we have the option to migrate gracefully before pv_grub
> stops being supported any more.

For information, the current state of affairs is as follows:

1) pv-grub (legacy) will load grub 0.97 or so config files. It doesn't 
understand grub2 configs at all.

2) pygrub understands both grub legacy, and grub2 config files.

3) pv-grub2 will only load grub2 formatted configs.

I am curious as to what people prefer. If you're using a mixed 
environment, pygrub is probably the better choice - however there is a 
theoretical risk here[1].

Any migration path to pv-grub2 will require than pv-grub legacy still be 
built and distributed - therefore any implementation must be able to be 
packaged in parallel with pv-grub legacy.

I would welcome any feedback on this.

1: http://wiki.xen.org/wiki/PvGrub#Technical_details

Steven Haigh

Email: netwiz at crc.id.au
Web: https://www.crc.id.au
Phone: (03) 9001 6090 - 0412 935 897

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