[kernel-xen] Problem with bonding and W2008R2 virtual machine

Joseba Garrido, Infostock jgarrido at bme.es
Mon May 6 20:35:24 EST 2013



I have a very strange problem. I hope somebody can help me.


I builded a server to check Xen under Centos 6.4. I have installed
everything using the Steven´s “Xen installation guide” and all is working
perfectly. I have other server (AD, DNS, DHCP,..) which gives IP to the new
and it is navigating without problems.


I have installed some virtual machines with windows and Linux and all is


But the problem began today when I have add a bonding interface (with four
nics).  I have added a new bridge (br1) and it is fine. 


I have installed a Debian 6.0.7 virtual machine (giving him the br1) and it
receives an IP from the DHCP server and it works.


But I have added a Windows 2008 R2 virtual machine (with the br1) and the
nic receives IP, Gateways, DNS, etc.. but it not navigates. The NIC symbol
appears with the yellow triangle


Has anybody seen that error?




Joseba Garrido Gonzalez | Responsable Técnico Gama Servidores | Infostock
Europa de Extremadura, S.A.  |  <mailto:jgarrido at bme.es> jgarrido at bme.es |
<http://www.infostock.es/> www.infostock.es


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